Sunday, August 29, 2004
1.List the two main parts of the CPU and explain how they work.
1-Control Unit:
- The control unit directs the flow of data through the CPU, and to and from other devices.
- The control unit stores CPU's microcode, which contains the instructions for all the tasks the CPU can perform.
2. ALU:
- The actual manipulation of data takes place in ALU.
- The ALU can perform arithmetic and logic operations.
- The ALU connected to a set of registers-small memory aresa in the CPU, which hold data and program instructions while they are being processed
1.System Clock
- the system clock's tick set the pace of CPU.
- the system take to turn of and thn on a transistor.
- the more amount of RAM a PC have the more amount of programe instruction & data it have in RAM which is faster to access thn storage.
- the Bus width defines how many bits are going to travel at the samr time.
Most of the PCs.
Reduced Instruction Set Coputers:
faster bcz hav less intructions to decode.
4.Describe the four characteristics you would consider when comparing monitors.
- Size
- Resolution
- Refresh Rate
- Dot Pitch
1-Size :
- its the diagonal measurment of the moniters screen.
- Resolution is the number of pixels on a screen, expressed as a matrix (600 x 800)
- The resolution is determined by the video controller
- Monitors can operate different resolutions
640 x 480 Video Graphics Array (VGA)
800 x 600 Super VGA (SVGA)
1280 x 1024
3-Refresh Rate:
- Phosphor Dots refresh rate in zig zag pattren, from left to reight & right to left,
- Fast Scanning=faster refresh rate( less flickering)
4-Dot Pitch:
- Dot pitch is the distance between the phosphor dots that make up a pixel
- In colour monotors each pixel is made up of three dots
- The closer the dots the crisper the picture
Most flat panel monitors use liquid crystal display (LCD) technology
Two main categories of LCDs
- Passive Matrix – Uses a transitor for each row and each column of pixels
- Active Matrix – Uses a transistor for each pixel
- Thin Film Transistor Displays (TFT)
it uses gases as a display element.
- Image Quality – Measured in dots per inch (dpi)
- Speed – Measured in pages per minute (ppm) or characters per second (cps)
- Intial Cost – Printers vary in cost
- Cost Of Operation – This refers to the cost of supplies used by the printer
- Magnatic Storage:
•Diskettes (floppy disks)
•Hard Disks
•High Capacity Floppy Disks
•Disk Cartridges
•Magnetic Tape - Optical Storage:
•Compact Disk Read-Only Memory (CD-ROM)
•CD-Recordable (CD-R)/CD-ReWritable (CD-RW)
•Digital Video Disk Read-Only Memory (DVD-ROM)
•DVD Recordable (DVD-R)/DVD ReWritable (DVD-RW)
•Photo CD
When the disk is formatted, the OS creates four areas on its surface:
- •Boot Sector – Stores the master boot record, a small program that runs when you first start (boot) the computer.
- •File allocation Table (FAT) – a log that records each file’s allocation and each sectors status
- •Root Folder – enables the user to store data on the disk in logical way
- •Data Area – the portion of the disk that actually holds data
Notes :
- when ever u found any document from Adeel, do run spell check twice !
- this is just a draft, plz take ur time to modify it.
- Although the contributer is a computers engineer but is not very much in books rather lov to present his own theories, so use on ur own risk!
- if want to add anything ...plz use comments.... below ...
posted by Agent Akce, 12:27 AM
commented by
Agent Akce, 7:19 PM

now i can't creat one more group 4 the ppl which "not" want to recive maails... :P
what do u say.... ?
do reply... :)